book talk · Discussions

When Being a reviewer is too much to take?

Hey booklanders,

So i was wondering if anyone can relate to ma reviewing problems? ( Please Bear in mind that i don’t get like bestselling authors book, i mainly review for underrated, and independent authors) ( I AIN’T COMPLAINING THO, I LOVE THIS!)

yep we get free books, and yep it feels amazing. but sometimes  it gets too much?

spoiled AF, iknow!

Accepting a review request takes commitment and just sometimes, i feel like nop, i cannot commit to anyone these days,


i just wanna chill and choose my own read, youknow?

BUT OMG THE HARDEST THING EVER; LIKE EVER, is declining a review request! saying NO to an author, physically hurts, I swear.

Like i wanna help him, i swear i do, i just can’t commit to reading his novel in the time being but i still wanna help you know.

Cause i feel so HONORED, when i get contacted by an author or a publishing company, OMG IT’S THE BEST FEELING EVER!!!

And sometimes, when i already accept a book, and suddenly i’m in a reading slump.


what the hell should i do?

if i forced myself to read it, i will not give it a fair square and i will end up hating it!

If i didn’t i will end up being unprofessionally late with ma review

it’s just too much to take sometimes.

or maybe i should just stop ranting , pfft, what am i even doing here?


10 thoughts on “When Being a reviewer is too much to take?

  1. YES, YES, YESSSS!!!! Couldn’t agree more! We’re actually hoping to do a post about ARCs soon and talk about some of this. Just need to find the time between books. lol! -Ashley

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      1. Thank you so much for the likes today!! You’ve made today our best day for likes on our blog!! You’re the best!!!!

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