books reviews

Mind Control by Hannah Walker

I received this paperback copy from the publisher in exchange of an Honest review.

Book Title: Mind Control

Author : Hannah Walker

Format: Paperback

Publishing company: Olympia Publishers

Genre: Middle grade Fantasy/ Magical Realism

Pages: 138.

Ratings :🌟🌟🌟 /5.  THREE STARS.

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“My starling Violet eyes made everyone feel awkward. their eyes flickered over me, drinking my appearance from my milky white skin to the eyes that can turn a person to a stone if they stared too long.” 

This is my first middle Grade book, I just couldn’t resist the cover; it’s a true beauty.
When i received the book I found “ meet the author” page and I was quite chocked. The Author is a fourteen years old. Which is pretty impressive, youknow guys? Most of fourteen years old girls nowadays are a little shallow. So when I found out the Author’s age, I was a little overwhelmed.
the book is definitely a light read, i finished it in less than a day.

An eleven years old girl with starling violet eyes named Katie, starts her journey in a new boarding school. Meeting new friends(Matt and Finn) with the same starling shiny eyes, she learns that she’s a vampire, just like them. The danger is creeping its way to them, and they gotta fight back to stay alive.

So my first thoughts about the book was that its exactly what I needed, something simple and not so deep, cause I just finished a pretty intense series and I needed to get over it,, youknow the feeling?
So this book was basically what I was looking for.
The story itself was very ravishing to me, I liked how Katie had a strong personality, she wasn’t that weak little girl, she was quite the opposite; gotta love a strong female heroine!
Hannah’s writing is quite smooth and very easy to keep up with.
However sometimes I felt like i needed to read about Katie’s feelings and how was she dealing with everything around her.
As I dived into the story I found more supernatural creatures than I ever know of, so that was extremely new to me, in a very good way.
I felt really close to Matt and Finn, they were adorable with their little chats with Katie, it got me smiling all along the book.

“ Matt!” I yelled. “Get your butt out here!”
“you mean get your vampire butt out here,” she joke.
“Ha, ha, ha,” Matt said sarcastically, walking out of the room carrying a big book.
“ what in the word of vampires is that?” Katie asked.
“enough with the vampire jokes,” Matt said.
“but I have a really good joke,” Katie complained.

But The characters development was totally good and well written though. But The only thing that bothered me was that I thought that the building of the world wasn’t that strong, I felt as if I can’t quite picture the school and the rooms.

And i couldn’t help but wonder if there’s a sequel to this book; the last chapter got me really intrigued

Overall the book is extremely good for a fourteen years old Author! And I can only imagine what Hannah walker can accomplish in her twenties if she already published her first book at 14. I think she’s extremely talented, and with a little.


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